The Scheible Group
Advisors and Consultants on IT technologies, business management, and Partner for successful projects
A professional practice focused on systems engineering, wired/wireless network communications engineering, business process improvement, quality management infusion, proposal/contract advice, and practical security practices
Welcome to the Scheible Group
The Scheible Group is an advisory and consulting firm offering Systems Engineering, voice/data networking engineering, business management, and contracting support. As a Systems Engineering advisor, the firm offers Systems Architecture reviews, contract reviews and project management advice. We also offer security and cyber security integration with our practices.
The firm also offers contract, acquisition, proposal, and project plan reviews.
While a great believer in face to face engagements, the firm takes advantage of utilizing the newer remote collaboration and meeting tools to maintain a cost effective and strong collaboration environment.
With both large and small city experience, offering services to smaller towns, cities and rural areas is a key business service component of the firm. We try to bring the best integrated solutions to both small and large businesses.
The Scheible Group would welcome the opportunity to learn your needs, explain our capabilities, and offer how we might advise and support your company.
The Scheible Group Team Approach
The Scheible Group takes a very focused approach to determining and acquiring talent to meet our customer requirements and needs.
The permanent staff of the Scheible Group is intentionally very small. Unlike some consulting programs that have on-boarded staff seeking work, the Scheible Group first works with our customers to assess and determine exactly what the problem, scope, and needs for assistance are. Correctly understanding the problems, identifying needs and establishing a relationship is key to a successful outcome. To that end the Scheible Group team members work closely with our clients to foster a trusted and knowledgeable teaming environment.
As systems engineers, Scheible Group team members work to understand the big picture as well as the underlying details and uniqueness of each customer engagement.
Depending upon the assessment and skill set needs, the Scheible Group has a large talent pool from which to draw the necessary expertise to provide our customers with the best knowledge and expertise in solving their problems. Team members are professional subject matter experts. Most have 15-20+ years of business experience, have obtained advanced degrees, multiple certifications, and usually well known within their particular industry. Most advisors have both Commercial and Government experience.
Relationships and on-going knowledge are key to a successful advisory and consulting practice. The Scheible Group strives to build relationships, and while not always actively engaged with supporting a customer, desired to stay current on possible needs and changes that may require quick and decisive advice.